About Us

Ace & Em is a paper gifting company founded by Aislinn Forbes and Emilie Chanin. Both born and raised in Brooklyn, NY, they met in 7th grade and have been best friends ever since. Together, they have collected paper goods and keepsakes to remember special moments in their lives and friendship, from postcards sent from far away places and birthday cards to notes passed in class and concert ticket stubs.
Aislinn has always loved drawing and creating art. She studied fine art, fashion design and illustration before becoming a New York City public school teacher. Following the birth of her first son, she returned to drawing and painting by making cards and memory markers for her baby’s milestones. Soon, she started making these for friends and family.
Emilie got her professional start in fashion, focusing on creative and art direction for a boutique French brand. She started her own creative consulting agency and works with fashion and lifestyle brands. When Emilie was pregnant with her son, Aislinn made her an illustrated poem to hang in the baby’s room, which remains there today.
This gift birthed the idea of Ace & Em. A brand of personalized paper gifts that double as pieces of art, meant to be displayed and appreciated for years.